8th Grade "Hall Talks"

As part of their leadership experience in the Middle School, 8th graders give a single five-minute, theme-based “Hall” or speech to the assembled community in Expansion Hall, at some point during their final year of Middle School. Students can choose their topic, based upon the a few themes.

In the fall, the theme prompt is: How have you felt one of the Core Values in action in your own life?
In the winter, the theme prompt is: What, in your life, are you grateful for?
In the spring, the theme prompt is: What is your passion and why is it important to you?  

The primary goal for our 8th grade leaders is to help the audience get to know them better through the lens of their thinking on these important subjects.  Halls can take the form of speeches, performances and art work.

View these talks about bacon & pessimism. And these talks about Fitting In and Grandpa George.